Friday, October 4, 2024

Samuel Adams and Henry Tufts book


Samuel Adams and The Vagabond Henry Tufts, Virtue Meets Vice in the Revolutionary Era Nathaniel Parry, McFarland Books 2024.

Nathaniel Parry has written a wonderful book about patriot Samuel Adams and criminal Henry Tufts. The stark differences between and similarities to each other are detailed in remarkable new ways. New research is put into the context of the patriot cause and the reality that crime was rampant in the Colonial Era. The book is thoroughly researched and referenced with over thirty pages of chapter notes. To a genealogist or researcher, this is a library list of discoveries waiting to be explored.

Many people know Samuel Adams from the beer sold today or from studying history in school. He was an important part of the early rebellious acts of the American revolution and contributed to two early newspapers of the time. If you weren’t well versed in Samuel Adams role leading up to and at the start of the Revolution, you will be after reading this book.

 The same will hold true for Henry Tufts. This new book, together with other new discoveries of legal proceedings, confirm the worst: Henry Tufts is a bad apple on the Tufts family tree.  The Tufts family is full of patriots and other leaders, but Henry was a criminal. The connection between Adams and Tufts was previously known as Adams was the Governor of Massachusetts in 1794 when Henry Tufts was pardoned for stealing six silver spoons. For those Tufts historians or genealogists who have followed Henry Tufts’s tale, this book is a great summary and puts the timeline of his story together with the important events surrounding the Revolution. As a contributor by reference, I am amazed at the thoroughness of Parry’s research. It is a testament to all those who have researched the Tufts before him.

This book gives the reader a new perspective on many things that occurred in Samuel Adams’s and Henry Tufts’s time. By comparing the lawlessness practiced by the patriots (such as smuggling) with that practiced by criminals, Parry sheds light on the rule of law, mob rule, class division, alcohol, racism, and other social issues in Colonial times.

It’s refreshing to read accurate history portrayed as it really happened, not watered down as so often happens in history books. 

McFarland Books sales page







Friday, July 12, 2024

Can you recognize Uncle Jim?


I received this inquiry about my great great-uncle James Tufts, the judge and acting Governor in Montana circa 1868. As acting Governor of the territory, he also served as Superintendent of Indian Affairs. He and W. J. Cullen negotiated a treaty with the Shoshone Indian nation. This photograph might memorialize the signing of that treaty.(click on image for better view)

The following information accompanied the picture:

Chief Tendoy and the “mixed band of Shoshone, Bannock, and Sheepeater people who signed a treaty on September 24, 1868 in Laurin, Montana, about 10 miles from the territorial capital in Virginia City, Montana. That treaty ultimately remained unratified.

Commissioner/Major W.J. Cullen oversaw four treaties with four separate tribes in Montana in 1868, and I’m trying to determine if this photo could have been taken at the treaty signed on Thursday, September 24, 1868, with Tendoy’s people. The photo indicates a reference to an Indian treaty on its margins, but which treaty and with which tribe remains an open question.

The treaty was negotiated and signed in Laurin, as I mentioned earlier. Your great uncle’s name appears on the cover of the treaty packet and again on the second to the last page with the rest of the signatories. This is what the National Archives represents as their official copy. I’ve seen other copies—one at the Montana historical society, a bit different in format, but essentially the same thing.

Keep in mind, the treaty was never ratified by the U.S. Senate. The House of Representatives discontinued any future treaty making as of March 3, 1871. This particular treaty and a few others were in the “Senate’s In Box,” as it were, on that date, so that consigned them to the unratified treaty status. Quite unfortunate.

These people, Tendoy’s people, sometimes called the Lemhi Shoshone, were the descendants of Sacajawea, making it doubly disappointing. Ultimately, its failure to be ratified cost them a permanent reservation. They would up being moved 200 miles south to Fort Hall, (Idaho).

The inquirer also passed along a copy of the treaty, with President Johnson’s letter to the Senate and a copy of an article from the Montana Post from October 2, 1868. I can provide them upon request.

I did find a couple pictures of James when I wrote my story for my blog site in 2015 (link here) Without a better detailed photograph, I cannot see anyone’s faces to confirm identity. Maybe the original at the Montana Historical Society is more detailed or can be re scanned at higher resolution. In the meantime, please put your investigative skills to work and look through any old files to see if there are pictures of James Tufts. We are looking for any other pictures of James Tufts that might be used to identify him or W. J. Cullen to confirm that this is, in fact, the photograph taken to commemorate the treaty signing. I have pictures of James’ brother, Timothy Tufts and descendants of his, but none of James. I have been going through the old letters of these family members but have found no mention of the treaty signing and a picture. Please contact me at if you have any additional information on this photograph or event. Thanks in advance.


Thursday, June 29, 2023

Tufts Soldiers of The American Civil War

Charles Crittenden Tufts, Illinois; November 2012


Charles Edgar Tufts, Civil War soldier, and his family story. 

By Thomas Tufts.

I love a good genealogy inquiry on a rainy Sunday morning. I often devote Sundays to genealogy, and I am working on all Civil War Tufts soldiers, so down the rabbit hole I went.

Curtis Gann, Jr. sent me an email about his second great-grandfather Charles Edgar Tufts. Curtis has done a lot of research and his initial inquiry was about any information I might have about William Tufts, ancestor of Charles and himself, and a lightning strike at William’s home. (The lightning strike news article is likely a different William Tufts in Salem, Massachusetts.)

My first reply when receiving inquiries usually includes requests for more data to find the right Tufts line. I also reply with links to my blog Tufts Family Genealogy, and the Tufts Kinsmen Association websites. This line of Tufts was easy to find as I had done some research on some of their ancestors.

Charles Edgar Tufts (1843-1929)

Charles was the son of William Tufts and Charlotte (Corbett) Tufts. He was born in 1843 in Washington, New York. The William Tufts family moved from Massachusetts to New York and settled in Virginia.


Peter Tufts (the immigrant) (1617-1700), Charlestown, Massachusetts and Mary Pierce (1626-1702)
Jonathan Tufts (1660-1722) Malden, Massachusetts and Rebecca Waite (1662-1775)
James Tufts (1681-1733) Medford, MA and Ruth Grimes (1681-1721)
William Tufts (10 June, 1713-29 October, 1783) and Katherine Wyman (1717-1748/9)

George Tufts (1746-1796) Medford, Massachusetts, and Elizabeth Hartwell (1748-1823)

George Tufts (1768-1818) Medford, Massachusetts, and Rebecca Frost (1766-1838)


At the age of eighteen, in June 1861, just two months after the battle for Fort Sumter initiated the beginning of the Civil War, Charles went to the Goochland courthouse and enlisted in the Confederate Army. He was boarding in Goochland and working as a clerk. They placed him in The Light Artillery. The Goochland Light Artillery was organized in May 1861, with men recruited in Goochland County. Serving in western Virginia they fought at Carnifex Ferry, then moved to Tennessee. Here the company was captured at Fort Donelson in February 1862. He was also held at Camp Douglas, in Chicago, Illinois. This prison was called the “Andersonville of the North” an unlikely place to survive. Then he was exchanged for Union prisoners and Charles’ unit returned to Virginia and was assigned to the Department of Richmond (detail from National Parks website). Charles’ battery served as heavy artillery at Chaffin's Bluff until February 1864, when it was converted to infantry. During March and April, the unit was broken up. Captains John H. Guy and Jonathan Talley were in command. Charles was a Corporal in some records and his pension indicate that his right foot was injured in the war by the recoil of a cannon as a carriage wheel passed over his foot. In April 1865, Charles was captured again and imprisoned until the war’s end in June 1865. There are definitely more records that could be discovered to fill in the rest of his service. I have only highlighted the details available to me as of this writing (2023). Please forward any corrections or additions to

This story is eerily similar to the story of Union soldier Caleb Tufts of New Hampshire. He was captured at his first battle and spent time in three prisons in the south, including Andersonville. (link to Caleb book)


After the war, Charles married Mary Ann Wiltshire (1868) and had four children: Robert Edgar, Charles Leonard, Joseph Byron, and Mary E(?). Charles’ wife Mary Ann died in 1878 at 32 Years old. It appears that after her death, the children went to her father’s home and were raised in the Wiltshire family. They are listed there in the 1880 census in Jackson, Virginia. Charles is never listed again in a census with his children. Charles married Annie E. Martin on Aug 21, 1889, in Virginia. They had no children.

 In March 1887 Charles was representing the Grass Killer company of Richmond selling hoe & rakes. On April 19, 1889, he was hired by M.C. Strasburger Liquor Store to work in the sample room/saloon, while he worked for a shipyard as an express wagon driver. Charles was probably working at the express wagon during the day and the saloon at night.  A newspaper at the time stated that Charles was a polite and agreeable gentleman. On September 27, 1929, Charles lost his house from tax delinquency.

Two pension documents from 1915 and 1922 contain Charles’s address, age, and a description of his war injury. In 1922, his status was changed from partial to full disability. He was a member of the R. E. Lee Camp until his death. (The R E Lee camp was a Confederate soldier’s organization and home in Richmond, Virginia.) His cause of death in 1929 was carcinoma of the bladder (bladder cancer). He is buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia. There is a biography and some family members at his findagrave page.


Biography information by Researcher Curtis Gann Jr.

Information gathered for Charles E. Tufts from newspaper and military records. I verified through all census records in Virginia(?) that he was the only Charles Tufts (other than his son, Charles Leonard) living in that state. Thus, all the newspapers articles I found are indeed for him. Also, some information about his children was gleaned from a family bible.  Additional information was obtained from and

Images are available on the Encyclopedia Virginia website and held as original glass plates at the Virginia Historical Society.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Tufts soldiers of the American Civil War

 A recent inquiry into how to research military service led me into a project of listing all the Civil War Soldiers named Tufts. This project will endeavor to list all the American Civil War soldiers. I will cross post to Tufts Kinsmen Association website as I get the research started.

But first here are two short stories of soldiers I have discovered beginning this project. One was a Union soldier while the other was in the Confederate Army.

Alfred Augustus Tufts, Civil War soldier, and respected civil servant in Arkansas

(he) performs the duties of his office in an able and efficient manner safely accounting to "Uncle Sam" for every cent of Government money coming into his hands. He has always been a stalwart Republican from principle and is not in any sense of the word what is commonly known as a Mugwump; neither can he now be called a "Carpet Bagger," as he has attained a majority residence in the land of his adoption…

(See biography below)

Alfred A Tufts was the son of Amos Tufts (1789-1854) and Adelia Rosetta Lahae (Schipper/Shipper) Tufts (1809-11896).  Amos Tufts was a successful contractor who built some of the first piers in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and engaged in trading before moving to New York City.  Tufts Kinsmen states: “He reorganized nature’s estuaries of the Milwaukee, Menomonee and Kinnickinnic Rivers to make the city of Milwaukee the formidable lake-port it is today.” (Records are hard to find for Amos Tufts and he is confused in numerous trees online with other Amos Tufts in the same time frame. Research continues. Please forward any corrections omission or additions to this family record.)


Peter Tufts (the immigrant) (1617-1700) and Mary Pierce (1626-1702)

Jonathan Tufts (1660-1722) Malden, Massachusetts, and Rebecca Waite (1662-1775)

Joseph Tufts (1704-1758) Medford MA and Lydia Francis (1703-1778)

Joseph Tufts (1730/1-1778) Medford MA and Hannah Cutter (1723/4-1779)

Samuel Tufts (1759-1819) and Martha Upham (1761-1832)

Alfred served in Company K, 126th Illinois Infantry for three years. His unit saw service in the Mississippi River campaign in 1863 and Arkansas in 1864. Alfred mustered out at the end of the war and spent the rest of his life in Camden, Arkansas.

Alfred’s story of military service and public service are detailed in old style below. I don’t think I could write a better biography. (Note: A “receiver of public funds” was a clerk of sorts, charged with receiving money for land divisions by the government.) Sometimes known as Captain AA Tufts, Alfred is remembered with a decaying water fountain in Camden. Alfred’s grave plot and markers are pictured on the findagrave page in Greenwood Cemetery, Camden. 


Dedication of the water fountain to A. A. Tufts

A portion of a newspaper article, mentioning the A. A. Tufts fountain states the following "The fountain is of metal, silvered and decorated with gilt. It is surmounted by a pillar supporting three immense globe lights. It is located beside the Camden National Bank, where Major Tufts spent many years of his life." Today the fountain is neglected and needs a restoration effort to save it.

The following biography was compiled from The Goodspeed Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Southern Arkansas. [is this all one source or two sources (SABHM and FBHMSA)? If two separate sources, delet the comma after SABHM, and add the word (not in talics) “and”.

Alfred A. Tufts, receiver of public moneys of the United States land office at Camden, Arkansas, was born September 3, 1847, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He was a son of Amos and Adelia (Shipper) Tufts, who were born in Medford and Springfield, Massachusetts, respectively. Some years after their marriage they removed to Wisconsin. Amos Tufts was a large contractor and builder, and while in Milwaukee built its first pier. He was also the owner of a wood and willow manufactory, but after being burned out, he removed to New York City, where he engaged in mercantile pursuits until his death in 1854. His widow, a lady of great refinement and lovely Christian character, survived him thirteen years. [JET1] The Tufts family were originally from England and their genealogy can now be traced back to Captain Peter Tufts, who settled in Medford, Massachusetts, about the year 1638. Alfred A. Tufts received his education in the schools of New York City and Cincinnati, Ohio. At the commencement of the late Civil War he was residing in Illinois, and although a youth, he responded to the call of his country, and enrolled himself as one of its defenders; enlisting in Company K, One Hundred and Twenty-sixth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and after serving three years, or until the close of the great conflict, was mustered out at Pine Bluff, Arkansas in July, 1865. Shortly after his return to Illinois he engaged in teaching. In May 1867, he accepted a government situation in Camden, Arkansas, and since that time has cast his fortunes for weal or woe with the people of that hospitable little city. He served as deputy clerk for four years, and afterward was elected county and circuit clerk for the period of four years, but only served as such two years, being legislated out of office by the adoption of the Baxter Constitution of 1874. During this period, he was licensed to practice law, but has never felt free to devote his time and attention to what, under other circumstances, would have been his chosen profession. He served as receiver of United States public moneys from 1871 to 1873, when he resigned the position. In April 1873, he was again appointed to the same office, and was again reappointed in 1879 and 1883. He was removed by President Cleveland in 1885 for offensive partisanship, but was reappointed by President Harrison in October 1889, and now, as heretofore, performs the duties of his office in an able and efficient manner safely accounting to "Uncle Sam" for every cent of Government money coming into his hands. He has always been a stalwart Republican from principle and is not in any sense of the word what is commonly known as a Mugwump; neither can he now be called a "Carpet Bagger," as he has attained a majority residence in the land of his adoption. The following extract from the Ouachita (Camden) Herald of June 2, 1887, reflects the opinion of the people on that subject: "Twenty years ago today, Captain A. A. Tufts pitched his tent here, and became a citizen of Camden. He was then almost a beardless youth, but in spite of some obstacles in the way of sectional prejudices he had come to stay. During these twenty years he has passed through some warm scenes - some heated campaigns - and has often been arrayed in politics against the Democracy of this county, but his conduct and bearing have ever been such as to denote the inborn gentleman, and he has commanded the respect and admiration of all classes and creeds. He is now reckoned as one of the most substantial citizens of our county, and we congratulate him on having nearly attained his maturity as a citizen of Camden." All of the spare time of his busy life for the past fifteen years has been devoted to agricultural pursuits, in which he has been quite successful. He is a large, real estate owner, a public-spirited and useful citizen, and is considered by all an exceptionally good businessman. In addition to the ordinary affairs of business and politics, Mr. Tufts has taken a deep interest in many secret societies and is now past grand chancellor and past supreme representative of the order of Knights of Pythias and past grand commander of Knights Templar. He is also a member of the International Order of Odd Fellows, a Shriner, and an Elk. In February 1873, he was married to Miss Nellie D. Scott, the youngest daughter of the late Hon. Christopher C. Scott, who for twenty years before the late war, was an associate justice of the Supreme Court of Arkansas. They had one child, Maude Shippen Tufts born 1873 died 1876 and buried in Scott Cemetery in Camden, Arkansas. Cause of death was whooping cough.