
Friday, March 13, 2015

Nova Scotia Tufts; Chapter 5, Reverend Joshua Tufts' story and families of his first son John.

This Chapter contains the story of Reverend Joshua Tufts and lists his family below, starting with his oldest son John, and his son Benjamin. Benjamin only had 2 children but his son Steven's family was large. Chapter 6 will pick up with John's later children and further chapters will cover Joshua's family further. The family details are lengthy so use a search function on your browser (ctrl f) to seek out specific names.
I have updated some families below. the family of George Leaman Tufts in red below has many additions.  June 2015. Updates to the family of Heber Tufts November 2016 (near bottom).

I had hoped to put the story of Reverend Joshua Tufts in one chapter but his family is large. Many of the big families had big families and the records run down to tenth and eleventh generations and include living descendants. I often have contact with them so contact me for cousin connections. As always, please forward corrections and additions to these stories. There are a fair amount of question marks. Please pass along confirmation or records. There are some living descendants listed here but I have tried to only list them in name in hopes of contacting them for corrections in there families and cousin connections. If you do not wish to be listed here, let me know and I can remove those names. I have included some pictures from online sources and quoted them but often they can be found at or I will continue to add to the stories and pictures when I get more information. Please check back often. I will add a corrections/additions log here at the top of the article.

Much of my research originates with Tufts Kinsmen 2010 by Herbert Adams and the Tufts Kinsmen Association and is quoted here occasionally as permitted by copyright. Please visit the Book Order Page for ordering information. It is available in some libraries as well. I have also tried to verify as much of this information as possible through some of the wonderful web sites available online. Nova Scotia Genealogy Network Association has some great links.

The Reverend Joshua Tufts went to Fort Cumberland in New Brunswick in 1760, then moved to Halifax, Nova Scotia around 1766. He was born and raised in Newbury, Massachusetts, where his father, Reverend John Tufts, preached. He attended Harvard College (as his father had) and preached in Medford and Arundel (Kennebunkport), Maine. He refused the request to stay there and then settled and was ordained in Litchfield, New Hampshire in 1741. His first three children were born there. He then returned to Newbury or Amesbury in close proximity to where his father had retired from the ministry. Three of his children were born in Amesbury. Tufts Kinsmen doesn’t account for the birthplace of the next six children but states at least three of them died young at Narragansett Township, (Buxton) Maine from 1752-1757. The eleventh child, Samuel was probably born there in 1758, and twelfth was born in Edgartown, Massachusetts where his father in law lived. (his brother in law, William Ellery signed the Declaration of Independence from Rhode Island) 
Edgartown on Martha’s Vineyard Island, Mass. called him on July 10, 1759 and he assumed the vacant pastorate there with provisions for removal of his family to the island. The town voted to purchase a parsonage for him. However, he had scarcely warmed this seat before trouble began. The following July a committee called upon the Reverend with respect to his taking a dismissal from the call. A sum of money was voted him provided he ask for and obtain dismissal. The trouble was not recorded.
Tufts Kinsmen

He then preached in Pownalborough (Wiscasset), Maine, another frontier post in the midst of the current French and Indian War. The family probably did not join him there and he soon went to Fort Cumberland, Nova Scotia.
The Harvard Graduates' Magazine, Volume 29 states that he went to Cumberland, Nova Scotia with a Colonial Regiment.  They must have meant Fort Cumberland which was the former French Fort Beauséjour. It was only recently captured in 1755. The British government was settling English families and removing the French Acadians as part of the Great Upheaval. Strategically located between mainland New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, the fort was often contested by the British, French, Indian and local populations. This conflict while part of the French and Indian War, the American part of the Seven Years War, and was locally known as Le Loutre's War, but was ended with the Battle of Fort Beauséjour in 1755. Reverend Joshua was bringing Protestantism to the land on the heels of the terror inspiring “Popish” Jean Le Loutre.
This missionary Catholic Priest from France was guilty of inciting the Mi’kmaq Indians and Acadians when the English established new settlements in Nova Scotia. He paid for English scalps and was reported to have planned or inspired the Raid (or massacre) at Dartmouth in 1751 and other raids at Halifax and other places. Gershom Tufts and his family must have been involved as he was at Dartmouth then (see previous 4 chapters). It is unclear if Reverend Joshua and Gershom Tufts were acquainted. They were of different generations descended from Peter Tufts the immigrant. Gershom was fifth generation and Joshua fourth. They were second cousins once removed as Gershom’s father and Joshua shared a great grandfather; Peter the immigrant. Reverend Joshua grew up in Newbury Massachusetts which is not far from Medford, the home of Gershom and many other Tufts families, but it’s hard to imagine if they crossed paths. The Reverend was also in Nova Scotia just a few years and only in Halifax a year or so.

A letter is preserved and quoted in Tufts Kinsmen requesting his father in law William Ellery Sr. assist him move his family to the outpost. In 1762 the family joined him. They lived at the fort and he preached and maybe taught there until he moved to Halifax, Nova Scotia around 1766, where he and his wife died within six days of each other in 1767. Joshua and his wife Abigail Ellery of Gloucester, Massachusetts, had 14 children spread over23 years throughout his appointments. The youngest was born in Halifax, just a year before they both passed.

Joshua was the son of Reverend John Tufts who descended from Peter the immigrant through his oldest son Captain Peter Tufts. Reverend John preached in Amesbury, Massachusetts and Newbury, and left the church later in life.
Considering the vagueness of terms then in use the charges against him of ‘immorality and unchristian behavior’ were thought to be more with his salary difficulties due to new churches cut out of his parish. Resigning the ministry Mar. 2, 1738, he left his church, moving to nearby Amesbury where he was a shopkeeper. His estate was settled by his son Joshua.
Tufts Kinsmen

A quick search will bring up several notes of the good Reverend Joshua, many coming from books and family research sites. He gets a good write up in Tufts family History by Jay Franklin Tufts (1963). The author states that Nova Scotia boasted the highest population of Tufts outside of the Boston area. His descendents lived around Nova Scotia and New Brunswick and some lines returned to America. I will detail them below and update them as I get more information.

JOSHUA TUFTS, (1716-1767)
Married ABIGAIL ELLERY (1725/6-1767)
had  1) John, 2) Sarah, 3) Abigail, 4) William E., 5) Joshua, 6) Mary, 7) Dorcas E., 8) Jevins, 9) James, 10) Joshua, 11) Samuel, 12) Joshua B., 13) Rowland C., 14) Mary

1) JOHN TUFTS, Capt., master mariner (1743-1827) John left few records and they could be discovered if they could be separated from the many other John Tufts of the same time period. It would be apparent that John lived with his father in Litchfield, Amesbury, and Narraganset Township, Maine, and then he would have stayed with his mother in Edgartown and joined his father at Fort Cumberland in 1760 (age 17).  The family then lived in Halifax. It’s entirely possible that he could have gone on board some ship earlier as a cabin boy or landsman because he is described by Tufts Kinsmen as a Captain and Master Mariner. When his parents died in 1767 he could have been charged with his sibling’s care or been at sea. How he came to marry Mary Ready in Boston in 1768, I cannot conclude. Tufts Kinsmen states the fact and it is available online, but no information is given about either person’s parentage or places of birth in the record. No records were found by previous researchers for Mary Ready. Some trees have her as John’s first wife and Mary Daley as a second wife or alternate fact. Mary Daley is accepted as Captain John’s son John’s wife. The Boston marriage record reads John TUFFS so this could be one of my long lost Johns or another family all together. He could be possibly the father of William Tuffs the war hero.
William stated his father was a tavern keeper in the Boston area so this could well be his father and not one of our clan. I have recently discovered a marriage record of John Tufts to Mary Elmsley, November 28, 1802 at St. Paul’s Parish Halifax. It has the notation (w) which indicates widower. It also has Tufts/Tuffs so it could be this John, having survived Mary Ready. There is a record of Mary Tufts in the St Paul’s burials September 5, 1768 but that is prior to the Boston marriage record. (It also lists a Priscilla Tufts burial that died of smallpox in 1775 of which I have no family record, and Gordon Tufts burial June 12, 1768. He could be an infant not recorded elsewhere of any family.) If anyone can seek out details of these records it could straighten these families out. Those records, available at the Dwayne Meisner site I mentioned previously, also contain many of Gershom’s children marriages so I would guess they were acquainted and saw one another at church often. There was another John Tufts in Halifax as well. Gershom Tufts Jr. had a son John born in 1787. That John (born in 1787), married Catherine Fitzmaurice and is well recorded in my previous chapters.
I find the records of these families spread out in different churches. John above, (1787) had 11 children the first four were baptized in St. Paul’s and the remainder in St George’s.
Please forward any information anyone might have on Mary Ready. John’s death place remains a mystery as well. Tufts Kinsmen and some ancestry trees state that he died in Westbrook, Maine, some trees online state Halifax, NS but I would presume he died in St Andrews, NB. His youngest child was born there in 1793 and while he may have been at sea or died there, it remains a mystery. I do not know where the Westbrook, Maine record comes from. Tufts Kinsmen has the note “BR&T 18inst”. It is unknown if this could refer to a Bangor newspaper which was the Bangor Weekly Register but not found in a newspaper search. With the new records available online now, these mysteries could be solved. New Brunswick genweb has great links to many of them.

John and Mary’s children were born first in Halifax, then in St Andrews, New Brunswick. It’s entirely possible he could have had loyalist tendencies as I like to say; by reason of geography. It would have been hard to resist England in her naval port and new settlement of Halifax. St Andrews is described as settled by Loyalists. As a ship’s Captain he would have been engaged in transport and commerce for the British and her loyal colonies. His brother Samuel, also a Captain, has some record of this below. There were also other Tufts in Charlotte County as some of Gershom’s children settled there and near St Martin’s Some also exist in St Stephen and later records are hard to discern from the Irish immigrant Tufts who I will cover later (the hockey players).
Information regarding their ships and voyages would be welcomed to add to this story. I hope to add the news coverage of a couple of these mariners, who drowned at St John’s.

John Married MARY READY(?) (Her ancestry is unknown.)
had 1) Benjamin, 2) John, 3) Mehitable, 4) Mary A., 5) George, 6) Susan, 7) Lavinia (see Chapter 6 for the rest of this family. Chapter 5 contains the children of Benjamin.)
BENJAMIN TUFTS (1773-?) May have died in Calais, ME? Records for Benjamin are scarce. I do not know what record Tufts Kinsmen is referencing when they state he died in Calais, Main, but they do. It was, after all, just across the river from St Andrews NB where his father lived. SOME TREES ONLINE STATE HE MARRIED TWICE TO A MARY (?),  AND HAD A SECOND FAMILY INCLUDING WINTHROP TUFTS WHO SETTLED IN ONTARIO. GENEALOGISTS HAVE SEARCHED FOR YEARS TO DISCOVER WINTHROP’S ANCESTRY WITHOUT PROOF. ANYONE WITH INFORMATION ON BENJAMIN OR WINTHROP PLEASE LET ME KNOW.
Married ELIZABETH TREFRY (1774-?)
had 1) Ada, 2) Stephen
            ADA TUFTS (1809?-?)
            No information has been found for Ada. There are trees online that show a   marriage to Isaac Foster, not confirmed.
             STEPHEN TUFTS (1800-1868)
Married LOUISA MARSHALL (1812-1861). They lived in New Germany, Nova Scotia. They must have been some of the earliest settlers, farming and lumbering, this was a remote settlement but settled by many families listed below. The Dwayne Maisner web site has some good census records showing them.

had 1) William F., 2) Margaret A., 3) Abigail K., 4) Major J., 5) Adelaide, 6) Henry M., 7) George H., 8) Louisa J
Married MARY ELLA STARRATT (1836-1885)
had 1) Ella S., 2) James L., 3) Lena S., 4) Guy C., 5) George B., 6) Margaret M., 7) William F.
            ELLA STARRATT TUFTS (1859-1878) in
                       Lawrencetown, NS, single.

Married MABELLE LEATHE (1876-1931)
            James moved to Massachusetts in 1876 and lived in                 Amesbury when he passed.
had 1) Harold L., 2) Ernest G., 3) Hazel M., 4) Frank L.
            HAROLD LAMONT TUFTS (1901-1930)
                                                                                    ERNEST G TUFTS (1903-?)
No evidence of his existence were found
HAZEL MAY TUFTS (1908-1918)
HAZEL died during an Influenza epidemic.
            No evidence of his existence were found.

They were married in Massachusetts, returned to Calais ME, where he was employed in the Crafts family milk business. They had no issue but he remarried Mary Damon and had a family.

            Married ELIZABETH  MARY GOLDSMITH (1869-1953) in Toronto, Ontario?
had A) Stanley.
            STANLEY ALLISON TUFTS (1915-1976)
had 1) Doreen G., 2) Janet M. Tufts
These 2 children were born in Nova Scotia but I cannot figure why Stanley died in Williams Lake, British Columbia. Janet married a Barrett. They have a tree on
Married ELIZA JANE WILLIAMS (1868-1940)
They lived in Lynn, MA. He worked in a shoe factory served with 8th Massachusetts Infantry Volunteers for Spanish American War and is buried in SA War section of Pine Grove Cemetery in Lynn. They had no children.

Married FRANK L MERRILL (1868-?)
No other info.
No other info.



MAJOR JUDSON TUFTS or Gudson (1840-1922) in Aylesford, NS
Married MINA ELOUISE LANGILLE, or Minnie Elizabeth, (1854-1944)
Major was a farmer, moved to Aylesford in 1894.
had 1) Ada L., 2) Ellen M., 3) General A., 4) Samuel L., 5) Gordon R., 6) James
            1) ADA LOUISA TUFTS, (deaf mute) (1876-1954)
Ada is enumerated in several census including the 1891 at age 14 in Halifax City Institute for the deaf and dumb. Then, in 1901 she is a domestic in the home of a farmer, She married Fred Bowlby, (also deaf) in 1911. He was a farmer. Tufts Kinsmen states they had an elaborate wedding ceremony including sign language. They had one son Leslie Bowlby who may have family in NS today, information needed.

This photo from 1893 is available at the NS Archives.

2) ELLEN MINNIE TUFTS (1879-1975)
had at least 1) Jennie Maud, 2) John Henry   Information needed.

Married ELIDA J WOODWORTH (1886-1964) in Lynn, MA. They are buried in Pine Grove Cemetery.
had no issue.
4) SAMUEL LEE TUFTS (1885-1889)

5) GORDON ROY TUFTS (1887-1957)
had 1) Cyrus, 2) Ernest B., 3) Irvin L., 4) Evelyn B., E) Evangeline J.
had 1) Christopher Tufts
had 1) John I TUFTS
married secondly: EMMA BEATRICE ELIZABETH (TIBBETTS) BALSER, had no issue.
                                                            Married CHARLES LORING OGILVIE
had 1) John Conrad OGILVIE.

(Major Tufts-continued)

(Stephen Tufts-continued)
ADELAIDE TUFTS (1843-1846)

Married first; UDEVILLA HOPE RINGER (1853-1898) (Kinsmen has Hope Elizabeth but her marriage certificate at NS Vital Statistics gives this name which is one of the rarest. Her Ringer ancestry is German and her father’s name was Peleg whom her second son was named for.)
had 1) Arthur C., 2) Pelig A., 3) Alena M., 4) Smith. 5) Allen B., 6) Avery, 7) Orlando E., 8) Viola M. There is some confusion over the last few children, see below*)
            1) ARTHUR C  TUFTS,  (1869-1910)
Married MARY LOUISE DAY, (1876-?) having married to Allen Frazer
This family moved to Ipswich, MA.
had 1) Maud H., 2) Beatrice M., 3) Mildred C. Tufts
            MAUD HOPE TUFTS,(1903)
Had 7 children WEAGLE Family.
1) RICHARD d. 19, Feb. 1945. 2) MARY d. 1945; 3) CHARLES d. 16. June 1960
BEATRICE MAY TUFTS (1905)  in Ipswich, MA
Had 4 children; WEAGLE Family.
had 1) John Tufts Clogston, 2) Elizabeth Ann CLOGSTON

Married MARY EMMA HARRIS (1881-1924)
Had: (no record of children found)
Married secondly: LAURA  (SNELL) BARKER, widow of Frank Barker. Tufts Kinsmen had this widow as Laura Belle Smith, born in MA but online trees and records confirm she was from Nova Scotia and came to NH in 1901 and married Frank Barker in 1903. The farm they ran is still on Winnicut Road in Stratham, NH today. Apparently Pelig came to America between 1924 and 1930, married Laura after Frank died, and probably raised the children. There are great pictures and records at the Barker tree and many still in the area today, farming. One tree; “Town of Stratham….” lists 1951 as Pelig’s death date and 1958 for Laura. My own family was just a few miles away in Exeter, NH and I have never heard of them being aware of this Tufts family in Stratham, but would bet they were at the same Farm Bureau and Grange meetings with my grandfather James Tufts.
They had no issue

Henry M Tufts-continued 
3) ALLEN BERNARD TUFTS, (1879-1928)
            married LILLIAN MAY WOODLAND (1883-1951) This family 
            returned to Massachusetts and had 1) Robert A., 2) John E., 3) William,                   4) Percy L., 5) Frederick A., 6) Franklin, 7) Helen A. .
            1)  ROBERT ALLEN TUFTS (1889-1905)
Married GRACE CASGRAVE and had 1) Robert E. Tufts (information needed)
3) WILLIAM HENRY TUFTS (1901-1951)
Married HATTIE MAY DURGIN (1900-1951) in Derry, NH and had 1) Lillian F., 2) Pearl M., 3) William H, 

Previous records indicated more children but I have found no records of others and family indicates there were none.
            LILLIAN F Tufts Married Gilbert Bailey 1919-1973
Had     1) Gilbert Arthur Bailey 1953-2000
            2) David R. Bailey1954-1991
            3) living ?(or 1)

            PEARL M TUFTS Married Gerald Lowe
Lived in Hampstead NH and cared for her brother William’s children after car crash killed William (below) and his wife Phyllis.

            WILLIAM H TUFTS born 1925, died 2 Jan, 1962 William was a chauffeur for oil company (oil truck driver?) and foreman according to census and death record (req. for veterans headstone).
Married Phyllis Gordon born about 1940, died 1 Jan, 1962 in car accident. They lived at 50 South Hampton Road, Amesbury MA.
Had: William (III) (b. abt 1947) who died with his parents 1 Jan 1962, Brian, (severely injured in accident), Judith, Jill, Daniel, Dennis, Allen.

Married HELEN GLADYS COMEAU and had 1) Wilbur M. Tufts
Married VIVIAN MARIE McCADE (1910-2000) and had 1) Natalie M., 2) Anthony P. TUFTS
VIVIAN was a cashier for the First National Stores, a New England based grocery chain. A resident of Arlington for many years, after a lengthy illness she died in the Belmont Nursing Home. She is buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Arlington
(Tufts Kinsmen)

Probably an error or lost infant
Married SALVATORE LAMONICA, Jr. (1907-1983)

(Henry M Tufts-continued)
4) LENA MAY TUFTS, Alena?(1874-?) (Pelig signed affidavit for her birth certificate application in 1944-NS Vital records)
Married in 1894, BENJAMIN LYSANDER EARLY (1865?-1910?)
had 1) Winnifred Early and…? (Information needed)
Lena married secondly in 1915, THEODORE ADAM FEINDELL, widower (1861-1946) and had:? This family is enumerated in the 1921 Canada census listing several Feindel children and 2 Early stepchildren. They apparently moved to Semans, Saskatchewan by 1940 and are listed in voter lists there. This sounds like another story to be discovered. What drew these Acadians to pack up and move to Saskatchewan? Please forward any information on this family.

5) SMITH TUFTS (1876-1929)
Married EMMA RAMEY (1873-1950) They moved to Cambridge MA, then Newburyport where they raised their family.
had 1) Hilda H., 2) Alice R., 3) Arthur G.
            1) HILDA MYRTLE TUFTS (1899-1979)
Married RALPH WINFRED WHITE (1892-1973)
had 1) Robert Arthur, 2) Anne Phyllis, WHITE.
2) ALICE RETA TUFTS (1902-1995)
Married JOHN WALTER CHASE (1889-1975)
had 1) Elinor Freda,  2) Jean Natalie, 3) Carol Alice  CHASE.
Jean and Carol are officers of the Tufts Kinsmen Association
3) ARTHUR GORDON TUFTS (1911-1987)
Married DORIS EDNA HOYLE (1907-1968?)
had 1) Jane E., 2) Anne R. TUFTS              

6) AVERY TUFTS (1880-1882)

7) ORLANDO E. TUFTS (1883-1912) in Bear River, NS
single. No other information on this son and vitals are not confirmed.

* This is where the records of Henry’s children get confusing. The marriage record of Viola confirms her marriage, birth year and parents. Witnesses include Gordon Tufts and Cora Tufts. 1891 and 1901 census from Canada record Henry and his wife with the children listed above with correct dates and: a daughter Maude born 4 September, 1889, a son Gordon, born 20 December, 1899 and a step daughter Viola Herth, born 28 March, 1898.
8)  MAUD (VIOLA) TUFTS (1888-1964) in Lynn, MA
Married HAROLD GARDNER MORRELL (1887-1965) previously believed to be Freeport, NH. They like others removed to Massachusetts and worked in laundries. One census lists Harold and Maude as cousins next to General Tufts, then as husband and wife, Harold and Maude are buried in Puritan Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery in Lynn MA
had 1) Hope?

(Henry M Tufts-continued)
Married secondly, 3, July 1899 in New Canada, NS, to MATILDA HIRTLE,  17 April 1863-13 May, 1940, daughter of Zenas and  Mary (Wolfe) Hirtle
Previously believed to be a different mother and date of 4, Sep. 1917 in Wolfeborough, N. H. (Tufts Kinsmen)
had 1) Viola, 2)  Gordon W, 3)Cora D

            1) VIOLA ALMIRA TUFTS (1898-1980?) Viola may have been the daughter of Matilda’s from a previous marriage or born before she and Henry were married. The 1901 census lists her as Viola Hirtle-stepdaughter but her marriage record lists Henry as her father.*
Married  HARRY HENRY  DOLIVER (1886-1962)
had 1) Mildred, 2) Kay, 3) ? DOLIVER.
Information needed.

            2) GORDON WILLOUGHY(?) TUFTS (1899-1979)      
had 1) Saint-Clair A., 2) Phyllis M., 3) Hilda H., 4) Allan S., 5) John W.
    GORDON W. is buried in Highland View Cemetery, Caledonia.
            SAINT CLAIR TUFTS (1950-2001)
Married CAROLYN  GRANT and had a family in Caledonia, NS
ST. CLAIR was an employee with the Kejimkujik National Park, in the General Works Department. He loved the outdoors, dancing and working his oxen, and was an avid member of the Maritime Ox Pulling Association. He was a devoted husband and father
Tufts Kinsmen
PHYLLIS M TUFTS (1952-2013)
Married first JAMES MERRY and had a family in Liverpool.
(Her obituary is available on line)
Married DAVID SIMPSON and had Davey Simpson.
Married DARLENE VARNER and had a family in Caledonia (?)

3) CORA D TUFTS (1902-1922)

(Stephen Tufts-continued)
married first SARAH ELIZABETH SIMPSON (1856-1879)
had 1) Fletcher C., 2) Stephen A., 3) Louisa J., 4) Dimock B. G.
            1) FLETCHER CHESLEY TUFTS (1872-1954)
            Married LOUISA SOPHIA ACKER (1872-1966?)
had 1) Primrose P., 2) Ella M. B., 3) Thorf G. B., 4) Christine M., 5) Hilda M.
                   PRIMROSE PARKER TUFTS (1893-1979)
                   Married MINNIE WHYNOT and had 1) Parker N., 2) Idna?
                   ELLA MEDA BLANCH TUFTS (1894-1999)
                   Married HARRY D  WILE, and had 8 children.
                  THORF GORMAN DEWITT TUFTS (1896-1917)
GORMAN was a Private in the 112th Battalion, Canadian Infantry, Royal Canadian Regiment and was killed in action 16, Nov. 1917. He is buried at Menin Gate (Ypres) Memorial in Belgium.  His grave reference is Panel 10.
                  CHRISTINE MYRTLE TUFTS (1898-1925)
                  Married BURPEE DEAN MAILMAN (may have had Frances, ? Burpee remarried Elsie Allen.)
                  HILDA MAE (1900-1999)
                  Married ASEPH VARNER (Not Joseph)

         2) STEPHEN ALLEN TUFTS (1875-1927)
         Married EMMA E HALLIDAY (1875-
This family moved to Lynn MA and are buried at Pine Grove Cemetery
There are many Tufts there
had 1) Earl  A. Tufts, information needed on descendents.

       3) LOUISA JANE TUFTS (1877)

       4) DIMOCK BRADLEY GEORGE TUFTS (1878-1961)
Married MARY REGINEA O’HARA or HALVEN (1882-1947) Their marriage certificate looks like the name Halven. Many of the children’s records list their mother as Mary O’Hara. No trees on seem to have any history or parentage for Mary. The 1901 census lists Mary Frail as a mother in law to Dimock and he is listed on a death record for Mary Frail Feb, 4 1910.Please forward any information on this wife of Dimock Tufts.
The community of Stanley Section was saddened to learn of the passing of Mr. Dimock Tufts at Dayspring at the age of eighty-five. His death followed a lengthy illness. Mr. Tufts was the son of the late George and Sarah Tufts. He leaves to mourn his loss, daughters, Laura Veinot at Stanley Section; Frelove at Enfield and Mamie, Mrs. Gerald Trenholm, Bayfield, New Brunswick; sons, George, Lakeside; Ernest and Wilson, Simpson's Corner and Churchill at Weymouth. The funeral was held from Simpson's Corner Union Church with Licentiate J.J. Leddicote officiating. Down a road that's calm and peaceful,Guided by God's loving hand, He has gone upon a journey,To a bright and distant land. (written on obit - 1961)
Dimock’s obituary from tree and available online

DIMOCK’s funeral was held from Union Church and burial was in Hillside Cemetery, Simpsons Corner. (Kinsmen)
had 1) George L., 2) Laura E.3) Freelove M,  4) Cynthia., 4) James C, Ernest S., 4) Wilson P., 8) Mamie C., 9) Thelma M.
1) GEORGE LEAMAN TUFTS (abt 1902-1966) Married or lived with 3 partners and had 3 families. He was a mystery until recently family members have cleared up some families. Thanks to Syd Trenholm for this information. If it is still thought to be incorrect, please forward corrections.
Married first Myrtle Effie Slocomb, b 1900. They had 4 Children:
Helen Roberta Tufts,b March 4/ 1924
Muriel Pearl Tufts, March 6/ 1928
Winnifred Myrtle Tufts, about, November, 15 / 1932
 Vernon Leaman Tufts, (?)
married (2) Myrtle Bailey had:
Elaine Tufts married Alfred Malloy had a family in Halifax then married Ronald   Blanchard.
                       Marion Tufts married Tom Kennedy
Gordon Tufts married DONNA LANE and had 1) Trina, 2) Trudy, 3) Gordon TUFTS )GORDON WALTER TUFTS married TRUDY ELIZABETH LAHNES and had 1) Jacqueline TUFTS.
                        James Tufts married JUDY BELL and had 1) Kristine, 2)                     Leah
Jerome Wayne Tufts married Rosalie Marguerite O’Toole and had 1) John T., 2) Richard P., 3) Darlene A., 4) Danny P., 5) Douglas J., 6) Christopher M., 7) Kelly M., 8) Jerry W., 9) Angela R. Tufts. I have some record of this 12th generation which includes other family names such as: Shanks, MacDonald, Doyle, Bennett, Snair, Hogue, Arsenault, Little, and Denis

married (3) Jessie Marple.
                        Sandra Tufts.

Mary Tufts.

Joslyn Tufts.

Susan Tufts.

Kathleen Tufts.

Robert Tufts.

Lewis Tufts.

Bernard Tufts.

Deborah Tufts.

Kenney Tufts.

Gregory Tufts.

Mervyn Tufts.

Scott Tufts.

Dimock Tufts-continued.
        2) LAURA EMILINE TUFTS (1904-2002)
Married Alexander (not) ELLIC VEINOT
Her marriage record on line states her age of 17 and includes a note of divorce in 1960. (It also shows Alexander’s name and parentage.) Her obituary is available at findagrave and lists her companion of many years (after her divorce) Beverly Albert Smith.
had 1) Noble 2) Lea, 3) Daisy, 4) Burlin VEINOT  (a soldier, Killed in action in 1944 in France. His obituary is available at his findagrave page as well as links to his parents)

       3) FREELOVE MAY TUFTS (1905- 1972)
Married ELVIN W RHODDY 1900-1984)
had 1) Esther, 2) Primrose, 3Greta 4) Elvin Roddy or RHODDY May have remarried to JAMES EISON.(or ISIN) information needed.
FREELOVE burned to death in a house fire. She was buried in Hillside Cemetery of the Union Church of Simpsons Corner.*
(Tufts Kinsmen)

      4) CYNTHIA TUFTS (1909-1997)
Married (Hosey) PEARL SMITH
Tufts Kinsmen lists children from this marriage but they are not confirmed. They also list a second marriage to LAWRENCE SIMPSON but no record of this or resulting children was found. A short obituary is available at the canadagenweb obit page for Lunenburg County. They have some great pages for research. The obit here lists her family members and places. Cynthia and Pearl had a large family.

       5) JAMES CHURCHILL TUFTS, Churchill (1911-1988)
Married ELSIE MAY CROSS (1920-1997)
had 1) Ruby, 2) Lincoln, 3) Rose, 4) Roger, 5) Irene, 6) Randolph, 7) Merrill, 8) Sydney, 9) Ronald, 10) Russell Tufts
Information and stories needed.

      6) ERNEST STEVEN TUFTS (1914-1990)
Married LILLIAN ANNIE HYSON (1918-1995)
had 1) Steven MADEN, 2) Alfred L., 3) Thelma, 4) Daisy, 5) Mildred, 6) Judith, 7) Allen L., 8) Albert L., 9) Alden, 10) Betty, 11) Stephen, 12) Burlin R., as well as a few infants.
ERNEST was a veteran of World War Two, Pte. Cdn. Forestry Corps. They both died in South Shore Regional Hospital, Bridgewater.  They are buried in Hillside Cemetery, Simpsons Corner. *
(Tufts Kinsmen)

     7) WILSON PRIMROSE TUFTS (1917-1986)
Married ELSIE MAE SIMPSON (1912-1970)
had 1) Lawrence (died young), 2) Mabel,(married Max Zinck) 3) Edna (married  Albert L Tufts, the son of Ernest above)
WILSON and ELSIE are buried in Hillside Cemetery of the Union Church, Simpson Corner. Many of the pages at the findgrave page for this cemetery have small obituaries. *

       8) MAMIE CLEMENTINE TUFTS (1920-1995)
Married JERALD EDWARD TRENHOLM (1910-1988)            had at least 8 Trenholm children and removed to Sackville NB.             

       9) THELMA M TUFTS (1922-1929) (died of illness)
THELMA is buried in Hebbville Comunity Cemetery, Hemford, N. S

(George H Tufts-conitnued)
Married secondly; (in 1879) RHODA ANN SIMPSON (1860-1951), sister of Sarah, above.
had 1) Heber S., 2) Cyhthia A., 3) Ethel M., 4) Horton C (Not Norton*) 5) Edna A., 6) Pearl M., 7) Clyde S., 8) Cecil L.
        1) HEBER SIMPSON TUFTS (1881-1954)
Married ELVA MAY VEINOT (1885-1971)
had 1) Ola M., 2) Sheldon, 3) Roy O., 4) Una P., 5) Guy W., 6) Fay V., 7) Lee R., 8) Ira D., 9) Lyn D., 10) Ila J.,
               OLA MAE TUFTS married RUSSELL J SAVORY and had a family in Digby NS.
              SHELDON TUFTS died young
             ROY OLAF TUFTS (1915-1944)
Roy served in the Canadian Scottish Regiment of the Royal Canadian Infantry Regiment and was killed in October 1944, not long after the Allied soldiers gained their foothold in France and starting sweeping towards Germany. It’s not clear if he was on the beach on D-Day but it’s likely. There are some regimental history books that might relate his combat experiences. Maybe there are even some letters written home somewhere.

This photo is available at his findagrave page
Many thanks to the good people at findagrave, and the people who have entered the information for Hillside and the other cemeteries in Nova Scotia and internationally. Roy is buried in Calais Canadian War Cemetery
Departement du Pas-de-Calais
Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France

Heber Tufts-continued
       UNA PEARL TUFTS married LYNTON GARNET TIPERT and had a family in New Germany and Bridgewater NS.
      GUY WILLIAM TUFTS married ETHEL PEARLE BURNS     and had 1) Linda, 2) Ian
       LEE RAY TUFTS married HAZEL DREW and had 1) Marilyn, 2) Elaine, 3) Marsha, 4) Valerie, 5) Maurine
       IRA DAY TUFTS married FLORENCE ROSE MOORE and had 1) Roy F., 2) Elva H., 3) Timothy, 4) Donna, 5) Deborah L., 6) Todd 
Florence's findagrave link        Ira's obituary
      LYN DALTON TUFTS Lyn's obituary is listed below in the comments section. He left a large family, was a musician and known as "Tuffy" Thanks to family for this information

(George H Tufts and Rhoda Simpson-continued)
      2) CYNTHIA ADELINE TUFTS (1882-1950)
            (Tufts Kinsmen states Cynthia died in Westborough MA, not confirmed. Information needed on family)

      3) ETHEL MAY TUFTS (1884-1948 or 1952?)
Married DONALD CHARLES SHERIDAN (1880-of Ireland.
had 1) Donald Jr. This family married and lived in Massachusetts where he was a cabinet maker. Information needed on Donald Jr’s family, if any.

      4) HORTON C TUFTS (1885-1962) * Previously recorded as Norton
Married ANNIE A  BOOTH from England(1887-1970)
had 1) William H., 2) Edna M. in Lynn MA.
            WILLIAM HENRY TUFTS (1923-2001)
            Married THERSA MARIE LeBLANC
            had a family that still survives in Lynn, Massachusetts.
            EDNA MAY TUFTS
            Married JAMES PATRICK COX
            Had at least 2 children.

      5) EDNA (AUREILA?) TUFTS (1888-1967)
Married MALBY ANTHONY LUTZ (1890-1968) they had a family in King’s county.
      6) PEARL MADELINE TUFTS (1890-1952)
Married FLOYD BRITTON ((1890-1949) How this woman came to marry this man from Texas in 1922 I cannot imagine. They moved to California and lived in LA and San Francisco. The 1930 census indicates he owns and runs a gas station and the live on Mission Street. Her obituary states she only lived in Los Angeles for a year before she passed. She and her husband are buried in San Francisco. They had no children.

      7)  CLYDE STANLEY TUFTS (1883-1972)
Married ELIZABETH KEARES (?) (1888-1973)
They lived in Lynn and Saugus where he was a driver but returned to Nova Scotia in later years. They had no issue.

      8) CECIL LEO TUFTS (1895-1966)
Married LINDA HELEN LOWE (1897-1927).
had 1) Basil L., 2) Clifford P., 3) Winfred T., 4) Dorothy M., 5) Marjorie S., 6) Floyd M.
            BASIL LEO TUFTS married DORIS MAY ROSS and had 3      children in NS
            CLIFFORD PERRY TUFTS married ADA JOYCE GUEST and had a family in NS
            WINFRED THEODORE TUFTS married VERNA PAULINE JOUDREY and had 4 children. then married OLIVE ARNITA SNOW and had 4 more children.
           MARJORIE SHIRLEY TUFTS married THOMAS KILLORN LYDON and had 5 children.
           FLOYD MARSHALL TUFTS  married AURILLA HARLEY BUNGAY, and had 1) Donna, 2) Linda A.Tufts
(Cecil Leo Tufts-continued)  
Married secondly ANNA MAY (MANNING) BURNHAM (1880-1949) had no issue.
Stephen Tufts-continued)